Cátia Rodrigues, born in Burgães S. Pedro de Castelões - Vale de Cambra. Master in Architecture by Lusiada University of Porto.
It has the particular course of painting, drawing and fine arts at the Atelier ART.
It is currently architect at RVDM atelier, plastic artist and Project Designer at Glassmetal sarl
Dedicated to painting and finearts since 2004, adding already 21 years of career.
1st Contemporary Art Portugal, Brazil and Italy-Foz Arelho -received an honorable mention "GOLD LEVEL".
Award - ArtmajeurSilver Award 2009 (Grade Silver)
Solo Exhibitions:
. 2016 - Fragments d'émotion - Munsbach (Kaempff & Kholer)
. 2011 – Fio d'azeite - Luxembourg
. 2011 - Exposition Syndicat of Mondorf-les-bains -Luxembourg
. 2010 – Exposition Mesão Frio
. 2010 – Town Hall of Oliveira do Bairro
. 2009 - TownHall of Armamar
. 2009 -September / October - Medieval Castle Vianden (Luxembourg)
. 2008- Museum ofVouzela
. 2008- "ArtClub" Oliveira de Azeméis
. 2008- OliveiraMuseum Azeméis
. 2008- Municipal Library of Vale de Cambra
. 2007 - Atomo Gallery Porto
. 2007 Municipal -Library Estarreja (16-28 April)
. 2006 Municipal -Library of Cachan Paris (France)
. 2006 -Cine Theatre Caracas in Oliveira de Azeméis. . .2006 Municipal -Museum of Vale de Cambra
. 2006 macs inArouca
. 2006 -S. Joãoda Madeira (Wall Sreet Institute)
. 2005 Municipal -Library of Vale de Cambra
. 2005 -Monasterio Stª. Mafalda Arouca
. 2005 -Salle du Marche, La Plaine, Cachan –Paris (France)
Group exhibitions:
. 2015 - Annual Exhibition of the Palcos Cruzados Association - Ovar Museum.
. 2014 - 1st International Biennial of Art in Esgueira -Aveiro
. 2013 - Annual Exhibition of Arts Association Palcos Cruzados - Municipal Library of Vale deCambra
. 2012 - Annual Exhibition of International Arts AssociationPalcos Cruzados - Municipal Museum ofLamego
. 2011 - Annual Exhibition of Arts Association Palcos Cruzados - Oliveira de Azeméis
. 2010 - Entrée arts - Tomás Costa Gallery
. 2010 - Annual Exhibition of Arts Association Palcos Cruzados - Arouca Monastery
. 2010 - Annual Exhibition of Culture - S. Pedro de Castelões
. 2010 - artistic event Entr'Arts - Oliveira de Azeméis
. 2010 - Collective Exhibition in Mafalda D’Eça Gallery - MonteEstoril
. 2009 - Collective Art, Gallery St. Michael SacraContemporary Art - Fatima
. 2009 - crossed Stages 2009 Vouzela.
. 2009 - Art Collective in the cultural center ofS.P.Castelões.
. 2009 -Living Friends of UNESCO, carrer del Cid, Alcoy.(Spain)
. 2009 - II International Exhibition of Plastic Arts of SãoJoão da Madeira
. 2008- Sao Paulo; (Brazil)
. 2008 - Curitiba Brazil. 2008- artclub-Oliveira de Azeméis.2008 -ArtNation - Alicante, -(Spain)
. 2008 -ArtNation - Alicante (Spain)
. 2008- Av. Da Liberdade, Lisbon
. 2008 Stasha-Bairro Alto Lisbon
. 2008 - crossed Stages - Vale de Cambra
. 2008 Piticchio & The Innocent Mailart –Italy
. 2008 -3ª National Exhibition DaVinci Gallery - CulturalCentre Esgueira - Aveiro
. 2008 -4ª National Exhibition Gallery DaVinci -"Brushstrokes and Risks" – Adamastor Gallery
. 2008- 5th National Exhibition Gallery DaVinci - Vila doConde Auditorium
. 2008 - Joker Art Gallery - Space Santa Catarina PalaceCabral Lisbon
. 2008 - Plastic Arts Triennial of Vale de Cambra
. 2008 -2nd National Exhibition Gallery DaVinci -"Motes Creatives" - Pier Art Gallery - Vila do Conde
. 2008 - alla shows "Gusto Divino" John-MilanItaly
. 2008 - Artexpo "- INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR - NEW YORK2008 (EUA)
. 2008 - 1st Contemporary Art Portugal, Brazil and Italy-FozArelho -recebendo an honorable mention "GOLD LEVEL"
. 2008 - Collective da Vinci Gallery - Caldas da Rainha
. 2008 - Vinci Gallery collective in Nazaré
. 2008 - Vinci Gallery Collective in Valado dos Frades
. 2008 - Vinci Gallery Collective in Foz do Arelho
. 2008 - Collective in February S.Miguel Gallery
. 2007- Collective at Geraldes da Silva Gallery - Porto
. 2007-Collective exhibition in Atomo Gallery - Porto
. 2007 - Mostra di Natali Galleria Oldrado Bridge Lodi (Italy)
. 2007 - Inappesi Collettiva di art contemporaneaPistoia (Italy)
. 2007 - Collective Gallery September São Miguel -Fátima
. 2007 - (organizer and participant) group exhibition in StªMonastery. Mafalda Arouca
. 2007- Show d Contemporary Art città di Pistoia.2007-Trocars in Vila do Conde
. 2007-VentiperVenti- (Italy)
. 2007-4ª Biennial of Plastic Arts of St.Catarina da Serra -Leiria
. 2007-1º International Exhibition of Plastic Arts of SãoJoão da Madeira
. 2007-Meetings corresponding Municipal Library of Vale deCambra. 2004-Atelier Art Municipal Library of Vale de Cambra
. 2004-Atelier Art Municipal Library of Vale de Cambra
Roeser - Luxembourg (private)
Senningersberg -Luxembourg (private)
Wolmeldange -Luxembourg (private)
Town Hall MesãoFrio
Town Hall Armamar
Town Hall of Oliveira do Bairro
Medieval Castle of Vianden - Luxembourg
Santa Maria da Feira (private)
Arouca (private)
Macieira de Cambra (private)
Vale de Cambra Museum
Municipal Library of Vale de Cambra
Municipal Library of Cachan - Paris
S. Pedro de Castelões
Luxembourg (Mondorf)
Paris (private)
Vale de Cambra (private)