We were made to feel and live each moment...
We are involved by images that transport us to other places, other times, other lives!
Cross us strong emotions and sometimes surreal, that contribute decisively to us to fight for our pretensions or not... By our dreams...
We were made to dream. To go through every illusion. To imagine instants, moments, lives...!
We are everything! We are the strength to live...! That is extinguished, when falls apart the dreams that gave him reason to exist...  And on those occasions, we're no more than pieces of anything, to wander, or seeking new ways to dream...
We are what God wants! We are only human, awaiting their moments of happiness...
We are lives! Constructing and deconstructing theirself every day for in the end, can be a beautiful work of art, ready to be admired, exploited, or simply forgotten! ...
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